Monday, January 11, 2010

Food Rules!

In case you weren't aware the year began! Welcome to 2010!
Of course everyone has their New Year's resolutions to follow and mine are pretty simple:
  • Become better at thinking ahead (in general this is a good idea, for me, because 2009 had a lot of issues revolving around not planning ahead)
  • Change my pillow cases every 2 weeks (Simply put my skin can act up and this will help with that, and why not do something proactive?)
  • Brush my Skin (Okay this might sound just plain weird, but I once read that beauty queens do this to keep their skin healthy looking. I decided to try it for a little a few years back and I could see a difference immediately! I just never kept it up.)
  • Lastly, Use the rules I have for my skin on what I eat.
This last rule is based on the fact that I work at a cosmetics store entirely based on being natural. So I thought to myself maybe I should treat my body the same way I treat my skin. I bought the book Food Rules by Micheal Pollan. This book is awesome and has great rules to follow, all based on common sense. Interestingly enough this book makes me proud of what I purchase at the grocery store, and save a lot of money. Here's to healthy eating!

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